
A collection of work by American Painter - J Austin Jennings

Mother Earth, Father Sky|36x36

Mother Earth, Father Sky|36x36

“I see life in layers. First, subtle spines of under-structure, across which come the visceral movement of shape and form. Next, transparent layers of light and shadow emerge. There is a type of intuition including or dismissing of the details before me. Finally comes the dawning of soft colors, layered across the foreground and fading to the distance. I paint like this. By choosing versatile acrylic mediums, mixed and manipulated with transparent washes, structural applications and broad flat strokes of pure color, I can share my experience.” — J AUSTIN JENNINGS

The Marriage of Earth & Sky|48x48

The Marriage of Earth & Sky|48x48

“Art is the world you create around yourself.”

-J Austin Jennings

Home Again|48x60

Home Again|48x60